Water History Conference

If anyone interested in organizing a medieval panel for the International Water History Association conference in June (see announcement below), please contact Roberta Magnusson (rmagnusson@ou.edu).

Here’s the CFP:
The International Water History Association organizes a Water History Conference in Delft, The Netherlands, in June 16-19 – 2010. The conference will be a unique opportunity to exchange existing and develop new insights on the history of our most precious resources. The conference is co-organized by IWHA, Delft University of Technology and UNESCO-IHE.

The deadline for sunmitting abstracts is January 15, 2010!!

A link to the online abstract submission page can be found at the website conference www.waterhistory2010.citg.tudelft.nl

The program committee welcomes abstracts for individual papers and proposals for complete sessions. Session proposals can either include three papers and a commentator or four papers. It is encouraged to include chairs in the session proposal as well. Proposals for double sessions are possible as well. The conference does not predefine topics for abstracts and sessions. Subjects and topics can range from rivers to drops, from seas to mountain lakes, from technologies to cultures, as long as the subjects are related to water (are “wet”) and historical.

All abstracts, both individual and from session proposals, will be reviewed by the program committee and should be submitted by the main author through the online submission system. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words. In addition, session proposals (consisting of session title, 100 word description, names and affiliations of presenters and titles of their papers, names and affiliations of commentator and chair), should be send separately to the chair of the program committee Maurits W. Ertsen at m.w.ertsen@tudelft.nl

Decisions on acceptance are foreseen to be available on March 15th 2010. The final conference program will be available on May 15th 2010. To appear on the program, presenters with accepted abstracts need to register before April 30th 2010. Registration will open in January 2010

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